We are now about 3 weeks away from arriving at Little Duck to begin the 2017
season. To say we’re getting a little excited is an understatement!! Since Little Duck
is located in its own remote area, our pilots haven’t even been in this part of
the Province yet. Once we leave Thompson, we have absolutely no idea of what to
expect as we venture 275 miles further north, or what “Mother Nature” has left for
us since we departed the previous fall. Being the first to fly up to this area each
year is what makes our seasons inaugural flight so exciting. After a few fly-overs to
inspect the runway, its “gear down” and the adventure begins.
This year we are opening The Lodge a couple weeks earlier than normal in order
to accommodate a group of biologists from the Canadian Wildlife Service. This
group will be conducting field studies on certain saltwater migratory waterfowl that
nest each year on smaller fresh water inland lakes in the area. We are looking
forward to hosting this group, wand during their 2 week stay will conduct their
studies in and around the area of The Lodge at Little Duck. They will also have an
helicopter onsite to access other areas further away from The Lodge.
If at all possible, we want to share their research and results with all of you in a
future newsletter.
If there is anyone interested in coming up at this time to capture first hand, the
beauty of the Sub-Arctic Wilderness we can certainly accommodate and arrange a
package for you. To hike, explore and photograph the tundra as it comes back to
life after a long cold winter will be an amazing Eco Adventure.
No matter the time of year, there’s always some great fishing to be had as well.
As always, we really hope to see some of you “in the north” this season,
Your Host,
Dave Fisher